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CodebergPages Codeberg Pages server 60

Codeberg Pages allows you to easily publish static websites with a human-friendly address ({user-name} via Git on Follow the simple steps below to get started, or check out the advanced usage below.

  1. Create a public repository named 'pages' in your user account or organization.
  2. Create static content, HTML, style, fonts or images. Name the homepage file index.html
  3. Push your content to the main branch of the new repository.
  4. You should now be able to access your content using the domain {user-name}

See also or the Troubleshooting page.

Advanced Usage: Canonical URLs

The Codeberg Pages server responds to four different URLs:

  • raw content, uses correct MIME types (HTML is forbidden though) and is accessible with CORS.
  • user page, points the default branch of a user's or organization's pages repository
  • repo page, points to the pages branch of the repository
  • custom domain, points to a repo of choice as outlined below

In all cases, you can append a branch using an @ (e.g. If the branch name contains /, these / need to be replaced with ~ (e.g. the branch docs/develop can be accessed via

Custom Domains

Currently known pitfalls for failed certificates:

For custom domains, two things are required:

If you can't use a CNAME record to configure the target (e.g. for a zone root), you can use an A/AAAA/ALIAS record to with an additional TXT record for the target (just as shown above for CNAME records).

Having Questions, Feedback or found a bug?

The source code for Codeberg Pages is maintained over at the Pages Server repository, feel free to head there and providing some feedback, suggestions, bug reports or even patches. If you need general community support or have questions, Codeberg/Community is the better place, as more people will be watching there to help you out! We really appreciate your contribution.

Installing Pages for your own Gitea

Codeberg Pages works with any Gitea host out there. So if you are running your own Gitea, you can absolutely run it yourself and help with the development. Check out the Pages Server repository for more.