# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts add_newline = true [custom.direnv] command = 'echo "[missing: direnv allow]"' style = 'bold yellow' when = ''' [[ $(direnv status) =~ "Found RC allowed 1" ]] ''' # Replace the '❯' symbol in the prompt with '➜' [character] # The name of the module we are configuring is 'character' success_symbol = '[➜](bold green)' # The 'success_symbol' segment is being set to '➜' with the color 'bold green' # Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely [package] disabled = true [git_branch] symbol = '🌱 ' truncation_length = 20 truncation_symbol = '' [git_commit] commit_hash_length = 8 tag_symbol = '🔖 ' [git_state] format = '[\($state( $progress_current of $progress_total)\)]($style) ' cherry_pick = '[🍒 PICKING](bold red)' [git_metrics] added_style = 'bold blue' format = '[+$added]($added_style)/[-$deleted]($deleted_style) ' [git_status] conflicted = '🏳' ahead = '🏎💨' behind = '😰' diverged = '😵' up_to_date = '✓' untracked = '🤷' stashed = '📦' modified = '📝' staged = '[++\($count\)](green)' renamed = '👅' deleted = '🗑' [gradle] symbol = '🐘 ' [nodejs] format = 'via [🤖 $version](bold green) '